Department Of Psychiatry

ARU PIC 78KB - Psychiatry Department

Name: Dr Aru Shikha Singh

Designation: Assistant Professor

Mobile No. : 8822414440

Clinical Activities:

  • Outpatient Clinics: Regular psychiatry outpatient clinics where students can observe and participate in patient consultations.
  • Inpatient Ward Rounds: Daily rounds in psychiatric wards for hands-on learning and patient case discussions.
  • Emergency Psychiatry Services: Exposure to emergency psychiatric assessments and interventions.
  • Supervised Counselling Sessions: Opportunities for students to observe counselling under supervision.
  • Special Clinics for homeless patients with mental illness.

Medicolegal Activities:

  1. Preliminary Assessments at Juvenile Justice Board.
  2. Intervention camp at district jail.

Academic Activities:

  1. Lectures: Scheduled lectures on key psychiatry topics.
  2. Demonstration Classes: Skills-based small discussions.
  3. Clinical Postings: Training to students is given on Clinical case history, Mental state examination and approach to psychiatric cases.
  4. Elective Postings: Undergraduate students who choose psychiatry for electives are trained on 3 additional topics of psychiatry to potentiate their knowledge.

Research Activities:

  1. Research Projects: New research projects to be done by Senior Residents & Faculty.

Community Outreach:

  1. Mental Health Awareness Campaigns: Organizing and participating in community programs to raise awareness about mental health issues.
  2. School Mental Health Programs: Collaborating with local schools to provide mental health education and screenings.
  3. Intervention camps at orphanage homes.

Extracurricular Activities:

  1. Psychiatry Workshops: Student-run club focusing on psychiatry-related activities, including film screenings, discussions, poster making, quiz, poem writing and guest lectures.

Evaluation and Feedback:

  1. Clinical Skills Assessment: Regular evaluations through Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs).
  2. Regular examinations are conducted to assess theoretical knowledge.
  3. MCQ-based tests and debates are conducted at the end of elective postings.
  4. Feedback Sessions: Structured feedback from faculty and peers to improve clinical and academic performance.

Support and Well-being:

  1. Mentor-Mentee: Pairing students with faculty mentors for guidance and support throughout their academic session.
  2. Peer Support Groups: Facilitating student-led groups for sharing experiences and coping strategies.